Dr. Adam Neufield
Co-Principal of SUIS Qingpu

There were only a small number of IB schools in Canada at the time he was teaching there, and, as most of the IB schools were private schools affordable to only the wealthier Canadians, most Canadian teachers lived and breathed their province’s domestic curriculum. IGCSE/A Level curricula were just not heard of. So, Adam’s first ‘learning curve’ involved becoming familiar with these international curricula as well as external examinations and all the practices and procedures related to them i.e., working through rather prescriptive syllabi, becoming familiar with marking schemes, preparing mock examination papers. Moreover, while ‘chemistry is chemistry’, Adam had to re-learn and self-learn some chemistry topics in order to teach the A Level syllabus, this despite him having a Specialist in Chemistry degree.

▲ Principal Adam in Lhasa, Tibet – 2001
Desiring a working environment where there was more ‘east’ interacting with ‘west’, and eager for a new challenge, Adam and his wife began one day in 2011 to discuss and pray about moving to a new context. Interestingly, the very next week, Adam received unsolicited emails from two schools asking him to consider taking on a leadership position – one school was in China (Shandong Province) and the other in Jakarta, Indonesia. After more discussions and more prayers, they decided to head to Indonesia. So, Adam left Shanghai that year to take on a Head of School position with Springfield School in Jakarta.

▲ Learning how to walk on fire – 2012

▲ Dealing with floods at work and at home was an annual ordeal in Jakarta – 2011

▲ Serving as a host at Xiehe’s annual party – 2016

▲ Sunny Huang, Co-Principal (Left)& Dr. Adam Neufield, Co-Principal (Right)

▲ Barbershop Quartet singing in 1988 – Adam is second from the right

▲ Playing ice hockey with the Shanghai Golden Warriors – 2010

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